criminal plan (504 Words)

Keith was sleeping in the spare room of his best mate from school Gareth. Twenty years ago, Gareth had represented Keith as his solicitor in court, but couldn't prove the truth; Keith was innocent. The guilt had rattled him for the two decades. "If only I was better in my job," he would tell himself each day. Offering Keith the spare room, food, clothes wasn't enough. Keith could never get a good job, and during the decades that past Gareth had become a partner in the firm. Maybe he could work as a office junior? For Gareth's wife, enough was enough, the boys relationship was invading. "What else can I do?", plead Gareth, "If it wasn't for me, he would have a life!"

In the spare room, the straight and narrow life was getting Keith down. Even though he hadn't committed the crime, he had grown accustomed to the prison system way of life. He kept his head down, managed to dodge trouble, and in turn got free board, television, a gym, set meals, and even a second chance at a state education. All in all, it wasn't that bad. The real world however, that was hard. No routine, no structure, how is a man suppose to know what to do. He curled onto his side, staring at the wall with his back to reality. Everything Gareth had so generously give him just felt like charity, and that's no way of life. "Maybe I could find a way back? Maybe, for the first time in my life, if I was to think like a criminal?"

Keith had got out of jail a little early for good behaviour, but was still being heavily monitored by the police. "Any violation of your parole, and you'll be thrown right back in!", warned the police man on Keith's departure. An idea started to brew in Keith's head. The next afternoon as Keith walked back home through the market place, he caught the eye of the meat vender. Not a nice man; a tall and stocky bloke, who'd rather hit you than look at you twice. Perfect. Without hesitation or any provocation, Keith walked straight up to the man and took a swing. Not even a cut, but more than enough to start the fight.

The police cell was cold, but familiar. An officer pulled aside the door; "This way please," directing Keith to the interrogation room. Keith baited the police, refusing to move. "Best to seal the deal", he thought to himself. "Come on son!" responded the police, before dragging Keith from the cell by force.

The officer threw Keith into the interrogation room. Waiting for him was Gareth. "Don't worry Keith, I won't let you go back to prison! You'll have my whole firm behind you this time! I won't let them take any more time away from you. you're a free man now Gareth, I won't let it happen again." Keith sighed. This plan was going to be a little less straight forward than he first thought.


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