The Foreigner (441 words)

With public opinion getting better, he felt his identity slipping away. The first few after pub closing fights had toughen him up, encouraged him to work out more, lose that extra weight and eat a little better. He was proud of that. People back home wouldn't recognise him anymore; the timid, fragile boy they once knew had gone. This new found confidence brought with it a success with ladies unlike any he had experienced before, as girls who would have laughed at the old him now swooned at the first glance of his physique. Fight by fight his life got better.

Those days had gone. No longer could he walk into a pub, hoping a Sun reading UKIP supporter would try his luck. But he refused to go back to the old days. The plan was to leave work early Friday afternoon, pop down the gym for a couple of hours then prepare himself for a night out. Ready, he made his way from pub to pub down the local high street, having a pint in each as he sized up anyone who might retaliate. The only problem that remained, he didn't know how to instigate a fight. His first attempts were poor, stuttering on his words as he nervously insulted men twice his size. More often than not he would get laughed at, the rest just choosing to ignore him. But he had been there before, their responses only motivated him further. "Practise makes perfect," he told himself, downed another pint and continue down the high street to try his luck again.

Finally he figured out a plan. It was all down to the speed and conviction of his taunts. Plus, if the geezer already had a girl, a few quick inappropriate glances would seal the deal. Next pub down the high street and he was in luck. Standing proud at the bar was a group of city boys he recognised from previous experiences. The money was flowing as they collectively chatted up two girls sat on the stools between them. Unlike the others he fought, city boys had no dislike to him because he was foreign. To them a fight was a little bit of sport, a necessary part of any proper blow out on the town along with cocaine, a strip bar and a kebab. Without hesitation, he made he's way straight for the two girls. "Can I get either of you a drink?"

As he lay outside in a bloody heap, he was satisfied. In his mind, this wreck of a man was better than anything he achieved before. Only moments now until those women will flock to him.


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